1000 Board and Puzzle Games
Yükleyen / Uploader: CReaTiVe
Rar Şifresi / Rar Password: www.rapidgamez.com
Dosya Türü / File Type: BIN
Crack & Serial: Mevcut


System Requirements:
Windows 98/Me/XP
Pentium IIl 700 MHz processor
128 MB RAM
32MB Direct X 9 compatible 3D Video Card
8MB Direct X 9 compatible Sound Card & Speakers
Direct X 9
Chess, Hangman, Word Games, Bingo, Queens Games, Sink the Ships, Backgammon, Mahjongg, Dice Board Games, Jigsaw Puzzle Games, Chinese Checkers, Reversi, Tic Tac Toe/Gomuku Games, Checkers, Knith Moves, Sudoku Puzzles, Down XO Games,Corner Games And more!
Tinyiso brings us 1000 Board and Puzzle for PC so you will never feal bored again. This is product from Avanquest Software. Simple games everyone has played. That is the main reason why I post this release. Play this when you want to relax. Over 1000 of your favourite puzzle and board games. See your old-time favourite games with brand-new twists! Exciting puzzle and board games to keep you playing for hours and hours! There are no minimum requirements for these games. You can play them on almost every PC.
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